Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Start This Year

February 02, 2023

Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Start This Year

The year has only just begun, and some of the resolutions we made have already been put to the test. Breaking a bad habit is not an easy job. A busy lifestyle and expectations that you have to meet keep you under constant stress. Most likely, like others, you have a hard time juggling demands at work and home. In those circumstances, it is easy to reach for that extra piece of cake or cigarette, telling yourself I deserve this. And everything you promised yourself goes down the drain. How can we avoid this? How to reach our goals and become the best possible version of ourselves? We suggest some healthy lifestyle habits to start this year, how to integrate them into your daily routine, and stick to them.

Step by step

A common reason we fail to develop healthier lifestyle habits is lying in the fact that the goals we set at the beginning are unrealistic and difficult to achieve. You may be planning many life changes, but you don't have to put everything on the list right away. You've recognized the aspects of your life that you need to improve. That is an achievement in itself. Prioritize a couple of changes you want to incorporate into your daily routine as soon as possible. Choose those that do not require too many changes. When you fully integrate them into your everyday life, start to work on the next one. The feeling of success will give you the drive to continue. January doesn't have to get all the glory for your triumphs. Think about May, June, August, or any other month, eagerly waiting to be important in your life.


Sleep more

Sleep seriously affects your mental and physical health. Anyone who has had trouble sleeping knows how hard it is to get up the morning after. You are grumpy, have no energy, and have difficulty concentrating. However, that seems to be just the beginning of the problem. According to scientific research, long-term lack of quality sleep can contribute to migraines, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, Parkinson's disease, mood disorders, and obesity. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep a night. Try to make a schedule of going to bed around the same time every day. To overcome sleep disorders, try to avoid caffeine in the evening. Avoid using phones and laptops before going to bed. Keep your bedroom dark and quiet. And, of course, exercise regularly.


Workout and be active

Sedentary lifestyles negatively affect our health. Obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis are health problems associated with physical inactivity. Stay active throughout the day. Walk whenever possible. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to a nearby store, or use a bicycle. In addition, plan further physical activity.


Yoga will give you increased flexibility, muscle strength, and spiritual healing. It will also improve your respiration and energy.


Strength training will allow you to replace your fat with muscle. You will shape your body and increase your basal metabolism. It practically means that you will spend extra energy, even at rest, making it easier to maintain your desired weight. Do push-ups, lunges, and weight exercises three times a week.

Thirty-minute brisk walks will also do the trick if none of the above is your cup of tea. 

Be organized

The organization is truly the key to a stressless and healthier life. You might not feel it in the beginning, but you will certainly be happier and more productive if you keep your home organized. A lot of people in Manhattan use short-term storage to achieve so. Give it a try. But, we are not only talking about your organization regarding business duties or your home. There is something called an organized mind. Just as you declutter your home, declutter your mind as well. Focus on your mental health, make a to-do list, and exercise daily. You will see a change.


Eat healthily

Carefully choosing what you eat is one of many healthy lifestyle habits you must start this year. Even though it sounds like a nightmare to some of us, try adding more greens, vegetables, beans, fruit, whole grains, and fish to your diet. Cut off all the sugar. If you have a sweet tooth, it won't be easy. But we believe in you. Eating healthy will not only make you feel better, but you will also start losing weight. Know this: No matter your size, you should love your body. Nevertheless, we also shouldn't deny the health problems like diabetes that may occur if you're on the heavier side. This being said, think twice about what you eat.

Take time for yourself

After a long day of work, a hard workout, or some other challenge you've met, don't forget to take some time for yourself. Do something you love, something that will make you happy. Reward yourself for the good choices you've made. Whether it's a glass of good wine or you have decided to treat yourself with a spa basket and relax in the bathtub. It will motivate you to keep making the right decisions.

Head Outdoors

Spending time outside will improve your physical and mental health. Time spent in the sun will increase vitamin D levels, which are responsible for your bones, immunity, and healthier-looking hair and skin, among other things. Living in a big city limits our opportunities to spend time in nature. But time spent in urban green spaces will also improve your health. That's why whenever you have the opportunity, head for Central Park and enjoy the sunny days.


We are aware that making new habits may be hard for some people. But those changes you make will make your life better. That should give you motivation. It's important to take care of yourself. Make new healthy lifestyle habits such as: eating healthy, exercising, sleeping more, etc. Let the start of a new year be something good for you.




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