Simple Steps That Keep You Feeling Young

March 16, 2021

Simple Steps That Keep You Feeling Young

The last year has felt like several years rolled into one, and most of us are feeling it physically and mentally. Stress can wear on us and make us feel tired, listless, and older than we actually are. Fortunately, there are a ton of effective, simple ways to make sure you feel your age or even younger. Forget the fads and the gimmicks. Let’s go back to the basics to help you uncover your best inner self. Check out these tips from Pure Parker for how to feel youthful and energized despite stress.

Dress Your Soul 

Right now, many of us still aren’t getting out much. As a result, it’s tempting to stay in your pajamas all day long. However, this can be counterproductive to feeling good. After all, the way we dress says something about us, but it also says something to us. Think about a time you wore an outfit that made you feel really confident. Odds are, you spent that day in a pretty good mood and maybe even achieved things you wouldn’t normally expect from yourself. 

This is because when we feel like we’re presenting ourselves in a positive, authentic way, we’re able to be the people we want to be. Focus on wearing clothes that make you feel great, from top to bottom. If you want to rock a dress, go for it. If you feel best in torn jeans and a t-shirt, that’s great, too. If it’s the right moment to wear pajamas, go for it, but pick ones that leave you comfortable and confident all at once. 

Think About Your Diet 

When you’re stressed, do you tend to choose healthy and nutritious food or fast junk food? Most of us choose the latter in pursuit of quick comfort, but junk food can have a seriously negative impact in the long run. A healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats doesn’t just help keep you trim and live longer, but it also makes a difference in how you feel

Instead of turning to takeout or zapping a frozen meal every night, resolve to make the majority of your meals. Stock your fridge and pantry full of healthy ingredients you can use to hone your skills and unlock creativity in the kitchen. When you cook for yourself, you tend to make healthier choices, smarter portion decisions, and feel more satisfied after eating! It can be an adjustment for sure, but it’s one that will pay dividends. 

Take Care of Your Smile

If you’re forgoing dentist appointments and managing your oral health from home, it’s understandable. Many people still aren’t comfortable going in for a cleaning or checkup. And while it’s important to note that dentists are taking significant steps to protect patients and staff, there are still some things you can do at home to maintain your oral health until you're ready to get back in the chair.

Boost your daily flossing regimen with a water flosser. These handy gadgets use water pressure to remove plaque and flush out lingering food particles under the gumline. A tongue scraper is another wise investment for removing bacteria from the mouth, which helps to eliminate bad breath. Speaking of bad breath, if you have misaligned teeth, it's likely you have more plaque and tartar buildup in those hard-to-reach places, which contributes to bad breath. For minor spacing issues, an alignment system can be the perfect antidote. And if you opt for an at-home treatment, you can still reap the benefits without visiting the orthodontist. Vibration technology from byte allows you to achieve straighter teeth in half the time of braces or Invisalign, and at a fraction of the cost. With enhanced flossing, bacteria elimination, and aligned teeth, you'll be more inclined to smile, instantly making you look and feel more youthful.

Pick Up a New (or Old) Hobby

Social media has a sneaky way of convincing us that it’s a respite from the stress and anxiety of the world. Of course, if we look at it logically, it clearly isn’t. Studies back this up too—most evidence suggests that social media makes us feel substantially worse than we would without it. 

So why is it that, even knowing this, the habit is so hard to shake? Well, part of it comes down to not knowing what else to do with our time. We’ve gotten so used to dedicating our free time to doom-scrolling that when we decide to stop the scroll, we’re not sure what to do instead. 

That’s why now’s the time to pick up a new hobby or dive back into something you’ve been passionate about at a prior point in life. Maybe that’s exercise or a creative undertaking or even just fixing up stuff around the house. Whatever it is, learn how to give it your all and take pride in the results: it will be far more satisfying than checking Twitter for the umpteenth time that day. 

When you learn how to stop feeding your stress and instead feed your soul, you’ll feel happier, more energized, and more youthful. Remember: it’s not your job to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s okay to let go, turn inward, and focus on becoming the best you you can be. 

For an extra boost of stress reduction, consider essential oils, a spa basket, or a bath bomb from Pure Parker.

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