Top 10 Lemon Essential Oil Uses
May 19, 2017
As you’d probably expect, there is a laundry list of lemon oil uses in addition to all of these medicinal effects. Here are some of my favorites:
Laundry – In case you leave your laundry sitting in the washer too long, just add a few drop of lemon EO and your clothes won’t get that nasty smell.
Teeth Whitener – Mix lemon essential oil, baking soda, and coconut oil and rub on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse.
Clean Hands – Got greasy hands from working on your car or bike and regular soap isn’t doing the trick? No worries, just add a couple drops of lemon EO with your soap and get your clean hands back!
Natural Disinfectant – Want to steer away from alcohol and bleach to disinfect your countertops and clean your moldy shower? Add 40 drops lemon oil and 20 drops tea tree oil to a 16-oz spray bottle fill with pure water (and a little bit of white vinegar) for a traditional cleaning favorite.
Face-wash – Lemon essential oil uses for skin can improve your complexion and leave your skin soft and supple. Lemon oil benefits skin by deeply nourishing. You can make lemon oil with baking soda and honey for a natural acne free face wash.
Wood and Silver Polish – A lemon oil-soaked cloth will also help spruce up your tarnished silver and jewelry! Lemon oil for wood cleaning is also great.
Goo-Be-Gone – Un-stick the sticky goo your kids leave behind with stickers and gum with lemon oil.
Promotes Fat-Loss – Putting 2 drops of lemon oil in your water 3x daily can support metabolism and weight loss.
Improves Mood – Diffusing lemon essential oil in the air can lift mood and fight depression.
Immune Support – Lemon oil can support lymphatic drainage and help overcome a cold fast, mix it with coconut oil and rub it on your neck.